150 messages of support….and counting.
“Michael Allman is the best thing to happen in the 5 years since our kids entered SDUHSD. We finally feel our voices are heard by someone who wants the best for our kids, just like we do. He listens, asks questions, takes feedback, and works tirelessly to make the district the best it can be. He takes his role on the board as seriously as we expect him to. Michael is dedicated to the well-being and education of all students in the district, taking into account a variety of different family situations, needs, and challenges. Our family of four supports Michael Allman completely.”
“As the parent of two San Dieguito students and an Independent voter, I fully endorse Michael Allman as our Trustee. Trustee Allman has proven himself to be our hardest working Board member, and he is always representing the interests of students and of families. This has often been a thankless job. Thank goodness Trustee Allman continues to fight for us even after unrelenting baseless and personal attacks (the reason I am choosing to post this anonymously)!! Let’s consider Trustee Allman’s opponent, who VERY recently went through the process to be a substitute teacher or instructional aide, ostensibly to be able to misrepresent his occupation as “educator.” While Michael Allman is running for re-election to continue to advocate for students, to ensure that much-needed facilities like swimming pools are built, to improve the transparency of communications between educators and parents, his opponent is trying to win an election…ANY election…for his own political career. Posing as an “educator” to gain votes is deceitful, transactional and cynical. It cheapens the important work that our teachers do.
Vote Michael Allman for Area 4 Trustee. I know that’s how I’ll be voting.”
“Michael Allman is a caring person that is doing what is best for students. He fights for all that we want in our world - fairness, justice, and most importantly a sound and solid education for our children. He has character and integrity, and his reputation speaks for itself. He always puts the interests of parents and students first.
I commend Michael for his bravery, courage and strength in support of our kids. He stands up for what is right in the face of a small group of haters who are mad that they don’t control the school board.
We have 2 children in school in this district and count on Michael to represent our interests.
Thank you Michael, you have all of our support!”
“In a lot of ways, Michael Allman is the most important elected officer for our family.”
“Michael Allman and I spoke on the phone for 45 minutes one night. First time meeting him. Fair and impartial is how I experienced him. I couldn’t believe such a busy guy would give me 45 minutes of his time and not once did I feel like he was trying to shmooze me. He has shown me (through correspondence on a couple different levels) that he is consistently devoted to the education of our youth. Michael has proven to be a man of character and follow through. I cannot think of a better person to represent me and my family in our desire for a world class public education.”
“Michael has been a great asset to our community. Have always put our kids first and his dedication and work ethic is just amazing.”
“What our school board needs is a dedicated, pragmatic, well-studied, visionary, questioning, level-headed professional who puts the students best interests first while also keeping the staff’s needs paramount. That’s what we’ve had with Michael Allman. We are so fortunate to have had his steadfast dedication, and we simply cannot afford to lose his knowledge, passion, commitment and abilities. Our kids deserve the best, and that’s what they get with Michael.”
“Michael Allman has been a guiding light and North star for many in this community and the school district since last fall. He put politics aside and was laser focused on families, students and our local education system first. His unwavering commitment to his constituents and the SDUHSD school district is unparalleled. He sets a shining example to others who wish to lead on the school board in future years. I am personally grateful and indebted to Michael for navigating uncharted waters through this pandemic and staying strong for our students’ right to return to school when other external forces were pressuring him to back down. He is a team player, independent thinker, and always exhibits a calm and measured demeanor. Michael is transparent, open, honest and refuses to play politics. He is a gem for SDUHSD!””
“Simply stated, Michael Allman is our family’s hero! Since he was voted into office, Michael’s efforts have been ongoing, consistent, fact-based, with the students’ best interest in mind and have been nothing short of a miracle. Through transparency and objective data collection, Michael finally helped our district to successfully communicate with parents and most importantly get our children BACK TO IN PERSON SCHOOL! The smiles of our teen boys after their first day back to in person school was priceless! The mental health crisis of our teens with distance learning is absolutely real and horrifying. Our family will be forever grateful to Michael Allman, whom we’ve never even met in person, for his extraordinary efforts of getting our kids back to school and keeping his focus on what’s best for our children and the district.”
“I am a mother of three children in the San Dieguito district, I had just about given up on public education, when Michael Allman was added to the school board and gave me hope. I knew that another member was being added that wasn’t afraid to ask the difficult questions, that looked ahead to the future, was willing to put in the work, and had THE BEST INTEREST of our CHILDREN at the forefront. His unselfish acts I will always be grateful for. Many teens including my own are now thriving in school thanks to many of the actions that Mr. Allman helped put in place.”
“Michael Allman cares about the education, health and well being of the students and this community and he tirelessly works in their best interests.”
“I have never contributed to a campaign in my life, but Michael Allman motivated me to do so, and I don’t even live in his district! I have never looked forward to reading summaries of board meetings before, but again Michael Allman motivates me to do so. His communication is fair and balanced and clear. I learn something new, each time he shares. He encourages input from all those around him ...even his adversaries. I have no idea how he has the stomach for this, but I’ll be forever thankful that he does. Michael Allman uses facts and data to make decisions, and most importantly, he is doing everything in his power to get our kids back to school (physically) AND restore good quality teaching. We have a long way to go, and I will continue to support Michael Allman all the way.”
“I’ve been impressed with the professionalism and transparency Michael Allman brings to his role on the school board. He’s demonstrated the managerial and leadership acumen required to navigate these tumultuous and trying times by focusing on what is most important, the well-being and academic progress of the students. He’s been subject to a withering assault of lies, fabrications, and mendacity from those that think the school district exists primarily for their benefit and he has remained steadfast on his mission in spite of these attacks. It will take a courageous and focused school board to ensure that students have effective representation in the face of what is sure to be a well-funded campaign against him and others that desire an independent school board. This recall campaign is a warning shot against those school board members who demonstrate any independence against entrenched political interest groups that do not kowtow to the interests of that powerful, well-funded political group. We need Michael and people like him to ensure that the district becomes a true “Students First” district. I wholeheartedly endorse Michael Allman for the District 4 seat.”
“It has become clear that as a parent we must pay close attention here to matters pertaining to our children and their interests within the school board system. Like many things in life we cannot assume that all is well and take for granted that the best is in place without inquiry and assertiveness. It has been my personal experience with Michael Allman that he is an advocate for our students and families.
He was an integral part of securing the ispe program which has been such a vital part of many students’ physical/ emotional/mental heath, especially most recently.
I have respect for those that fight for what matters despite obstacles and political push back and it seems clear that we need someone like Michael Allman to do just that. ”
“Michael Allman is one of the increasingly rare public officials who actually follows through on his campaign promises and does exactly what he says he is going to do with a professional, but no-nonsense approach and full transparency. As the parent of a high school senior in SDUHSD, I appreciate his leadership and tireless efforts to return students to campus after they had missed nearly a full year of their high school experience. His detailed messages to his constituents and timely summaries of board meetings demonstrate his commitment to open communication, and he also actively listens to parent, student, and teacher concerns and gives them a voice on the board. I fully endorse Mr. Allman as a member of the SDUHSD Board of Trustees.”
“Michael, is OUR choice! He is the one time and time again standing up for US, the families and doing the right thing. Thank you Michael for your continued support and hard work.”
“There’s no one out there who has helped our children more than Michael. He’s doing an amazing job, a job that needs to keep going!! Thank you for all your effort, time, energy and love for our children!”
“I am hard pressed to think of an election where I have been as impressed and thoroughly satisfied with the individual who actually won, as I have been with Michael Allman’s election to the school board. His sincere concern for the well being and education of the students has been matched with his post-election dedication and drive to ensure that this stays in the forefront. I am also so grateful that our school board has a trustee who has the business experience to help avoid the questionable economic decision making that has gone on in the past in this district.”
“Michael’s been a fearless advocate for our kids. He has put it all on the line and delivered on his promises without backing down. He gave me hope when times were so very desperate, saving my Senior’s entire school year and giving us in-person graduation. I could not be more appreciative for all he has done since being elected, it’s been an uphill battle the entire way. I am so thankful from the bottom of my heart, Michael!”
“We stand in full support of Michael Allman since our son entered the SDUHSD two years ago!!!! Michael Allman clearly has the students’ best interests for future success as the top priority in all of his efforts as a Board Member for our school district. He has demonstrated this consistently by getting them back in the classroom where they need to be, supporting the “let them play movement,” cancelling the lottery at SDA that was adding more stress to our local families during tough times, and overall putting students and parents first! The list goes on! Michael Allman wants to prepare our students to become life-long learners and responsible citizens.
Michael Allman is one of the best leaders we have had in the SDUHSD and we will continue to stand behind him and fight for him as he does for our students! ”
“Michael Allman is a trusted, respected fighter for transparency in our schools. He is not directed by special interests, but by a desire to do what is best for our students. As a parent to two high school students, one who attends Canyon Crest Academy, I can say I breathe easier knowing that I have a tireless advocate for my daughter. He has shown us that he will do exactly what he promised, fight for our kids! I support Michael and so should each one of you.”
“Michael Allman is a true asset to the San Dieguito community. As a trustee of the board, he puts the the best interests of families and students first. I support Mr. Allman as valued member of the board and our community.
“I have been delighted to observe the Board adopt a pro-student attitude in your decision making, and I am so happy to see your use of legal counsel more fully in your meetings and to guide your actions. As the past President of the Rancho Santa Fe School District that successfully provided safe, in-class learning for all students despite the challenges caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, I know how important it is to put the kids first when providing governance and oversight. I sincerely hope that you can continue to serve our community through your elected position on the SDUHSD School Board.”
“Michael Allman is a board member that truly cares for the students, families and educators of this community. He has shown over and over to be dedicated to listening to the needs and wants of the community and working to move forward to support those needs. It has been refreshing to have a board member be so transparent of the realities of what can be accomplished and those areas that are holding us back. Our family is more than grateful for his leading the way to accomplish getting kids safely back on campus by following the science, and using his voice in supporting both the emotional and academic pieces to our kids education. Michael puts the best interest of students first, as he was rightly elected to do, while striving to bridge the sometimes complicated communication between students, teachers and community, He is ethical, hard working, transparent and extremely dedicated to this community. These are just some of the qualities I would describe Michael Allman as and they are greatly appreciated.”
“Michael Allman has proven to be one of the few objective leaders in our district focused on facts and the educational needs of all families in the district. He has carried through on his promises with urgency and efficiency. He has listened to and has been extremely transparent with parents in the district. Through his actions he has made clear how important the students are and has shown how important this role is to him and should be to any Trustee. The majority of parents of this district have now seen what is possible through a strong advocate like Michael and want more of it. The successful actions of Michael Allman along with a large parent movement resulted in the opening of our schools. This obviously resulted in negative exposure of the union. It also generated resentment from a radical minority. Michael remained undeterred and willing to work with all stakeholders for the betterment of our children’s education. This is precisely why my family and I support Michael.”
“As a very involved parent, I’ve spoken in front of school boards many times. And been ignored just as many, by board members who don’t seem to care much about the views of the parents that elected them.
Mike is different. Mike is the kind of board member that parents not only need, but deserve – one that hears parent voices and puts the needs of our kids first, not the needs of special interests.
We not only need board members like Mike, we need far, far more of them!”
“Michael was available when my family needed him the most. I applaud him for his efforts on behalf of all of our children, and I sincerely hope that he will remain on our School Board.”
“We have lived in SDUHSD for 17+ years, and during that time I have frequently attended board meetings in person. I have never before seen a trustee with the kind of dedication Michael Allman has. His agenda is simple - the kids’ needs come first, above all else. He has brought transparency and accountability to the board and the district. Michael is the kind of leader who thoroughly does his research and is not afraid to have tough yet respectful conversations. Now more than ever, we need this kind of leadership. We need someone to continue to advocate for our kids, and there is no one more qualified or willing than Michael Allman.”
“Michael Allman is a voice for SDUHSD students and parents. He has their best interests at heart and is willing to work hard to support those interests.
If he had a different stance toward on-campus learning than several at the teachers’ union, then so be it. That is an important difference of opinion that should be valued, not swept away! Students have been suffering from depression and there were even suicides, due to the lack of human interaction during COVID. Anyone who is willing to advocate for students’ well being is a hero. ”
“We fully support the efforts Mr. Allman has made on behalf of the children in this school district. This is a principled and conscientious person who puts children and their families first. It is important to keep Mr. Allman in his position to continue to represent our community.”
“Michael Allman has done exactly what he promised to do in his election run. He has not deviated from it at anytime. This is why he was elected. He has been supportive of the families in this district. He has very clearly communicated that he is there to support the students and parents of this district to his fullest capacity. He has done just that. From what I as a parent of 2 boys in the district have seen, he has gone way above and beyond what is asked of him and this district desperately needs Michael. I will be supporting Michael and anyone who puts our families and student first.
Michael is a shining beacon. Any time I have asked for clarification on an issue he was first with an answer. He has been the best Board member I have ever seen.”
“I fully support Michael. He is a tireless advocate for students and parents. He worked so hard to get the children back into school. I especially appreciated the fact he took the time to meet with a group of special education parents and listened to all of our concerns. Thank you Michael!”
“Michael Allman is the first board member I have ever encountered who is actively reaching out to the community for feedback and concerns. Our kids are his number one priority. In an area flooded with special interests and concern for adults, having someone who wants the best for my children and the community is a breath of fresh air.”
“I have watched over the last year or so that this man spends hours upon hours, far beyond what is asked or expected of him, trying to talk some sense into those who have dug their head into the sand.
Michael is dedicated to doing what is best for students and families, and he is also a huge supporter of teachers. He recognizes that we have many wonderful teachers in our district and wants to support them. As a young teacher I recall paying NO attention to who the school board members were. I simply listened to those who had been around longer, and who I THOUGHT had my best interest at heart. I voted for the representatives that the teachers backed. I now cringe thinking about this, knowing that there are teachers today who are doing the same.
Michael is an invaluable asset to the SDUHSD School Board, for kids today and in the future.”
“Michael Allman is a tremendous asset to the SDUHSD School Board. He prioritizes students’ needs, ranging from academic pursuits to social and emotional supports and extracurricular options. Michael was accessible this year in a way most elected officials aren’t, communicated constantly, was interested in hearing different perspectives and always helped to answer questions. Michael has helped advocate for the most important issue that the district needs to focus on: students, their education and their needs. His presence on the board is vital to the district’s recovery from this difficult year and to achieve success for all students and families in the immediate future.”
“We need honest people like Michael Allman on the Board to keep working for the best for our students, parents and community.”
“Michael Allman is a man who has consistently impressed me with his passion and dedication to doing what is best for students and families in our district. He never gave up in his effort to get our students who needed it so desperately back on campus. Without Michael, I believe that my high school senior would not have set foot on campus his senior year or been able to experience a graduation. I am so grateful for everything he has done and for the opportunity to observe what passion, commitment, and true leadership skills can accomplish.”
“Michael is a fine rarity on our school board. By that I mean, he puts the students and families first above all else Most importantly he follows through with action to back his words. He is open to talk with and listen to everyone. He goes above and beyond to make our school district the best it can be - opening schools up during a pandemic when others would be happy to not even try. He knows that first and foremost schools are about the education, emotional support and well being of the students period. I whole heartedly support Michael Allman. While I was unable to vote for him being in district 5, I would vote for him 1 million times if given the opportunity.”
“I live in Area 4. My husband and I voted for Michael because he promised to be an advocate for students and their parents in the midst of the pandemic when the state and school had forsaken our students under the teachers union influence. True to his word, Michael has worked tirelessly and fought for our kids’ right to education. Because of him, they are back in school and are able to have a little semblance of normalcy again after this harsh year. The difference is profound. Michael continues to do so as evidence in every board meeting. He has our support and gratitude. ”
““My child is on an IEP and was suffering being left alone at home with remote learning during the quarantine. He could not focus on class through remote learning and was failing. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Michael Allman, students were able to return to school in-person and my child’s grades and mental state began to turn around! There is still much to do and I know there is no better representative to get us there than Mr. Allman.””
“Michael Allman cares about the kids. The kids come first with him which is the most important aspect of education. Since the pandemic started, he has been the only one fighting for the students. Thank you! Keep up the fight!!”
“Michael is always looking out for the interests of our family. He is a tireless advocate for students and parents and has our full support. He fought hard to get our kids back in school. I’m forever grateful for his dedication to the well being of our kids.”
“Michael Allman works tirelessly supporting parents and kids in our district. Michael was instrumental in getting our middle schooler back to to in-person learning and also for allowing her to have a choice when selecting SDA as her high school. Thank you, Michael, for your continued support and dedication. To say that our family is grateful is an understatement.”
“Thank you so much for all you have done for our kids in the short time you have been on the SDUHSD school board. We are so grateful to have our boys back in school at LCC. We have seen immense improvement in their happiness, attitude, concentration, schoolwork, and general hopefulness toward the future. These are the reasons we fought so hard to get schools reopened ASAP. We appreciate having you there as a voice of reason, grounded in science and the true purpose of running a school district that exists to benefit the children and their futures. I’m not sure we’d still be in the district without you.”
“My daughter had her heart set on attending San Dieguito Academy, only to find out they were to have a lottery and she might not be able to attend. Thanks to Michael my daughter and many others were able to attend the school of their choice. Thanks Michael!”
“I am forever grateful for Mike’s hard work and dedication getting our kids back to school and giving the seniors a full graduation ceremony!! I am so grateful and appreciative. Mike has always put the kids and parents first.”
“Michael Allman restored my hope that the district will continue to be a top rated district after the pandemic. Prior to his service the district was failing every child and family. Without his leadership and drive, nothing would have been accomplished.”
“Michael Allman legitimately listened when I explained how demotivated and depressed my daughter had become during the online learning. He fought for our kids to get back in the classroom safely and worked countless hours to take calls and emails from concerned parents. If it wasn’t for his sincere concern, our kids would still be in the same dangerous mental space.”
“Michael Allman has tirelessly fought for our kids to get back to school and to get the education they all deserve. He is open, organized and is a great listener. Michael is a problem-solver that cares about students. Our District is lucky to have Michael on the school board.”
“Michael Allman is a respected, hard-working and beneficial member of the SDUHSD board. I appreciate that he reaches out to MANY people, listens to their views, takes in the information, and then ACTS. I feel he is responsible for getting the schools back to 5 days in person and I feel confident, with Michael on the board, that we will be back to “real school” in the Fall. We need to keep Michael on the Board!”
“Trustee Allman is transparent and accessible to students, staff and parents. As a board member for SDUHSD, his obligation is to raise our district to the highest standard for our students. The district exists to serve students and Michael has put them in their rightful place as the highest priority above staff, teachers and parents. This is something that has not been implemented by our district for decades.”
“I am so very grateful for Michael’s efforts in opening the school this year!!!! I only have one child and she was having a very difficult time at home alone in distance learning. She goes to school 4 days a week now and is back to her normal happy self!!!
I am so glad we have someone on the school board that puts students first. School is for the benefit of our children!!”
“Thank you for listening to parents concerns and giving us a voice. Before you were elected I had no hope of ever being heard by our district and felt like nothing was going to change. As a community we were left out of communications and understanding on what was happening. I am so happy that you have represented so many of us at every turn through this year.”
“Mr. Allman – We are so thankful that you stepped up to run and be elected to the SDUHSD Board of Trustees! Without your dedication to our students, I am pretty sure they would still not be back in the classroom today. Thank you for your clear and constant communications as well as constantly advocating for our students. You have our full support!”
“If Michael hadn’t run for the board and won last year, our district would still be fumbling in its ineffective response to Covid. Thanks to Michael’s leadership, our kids are back in school 4 days a week now with a full schedule to resume in the fall. If Michael hadn’t been a part of this leadership, we would have seen a further decline in enrollment in the district.”
“Michael fought for our kids educational, social, emotional needs. My son has had his heart set on SDA for years and Michael intervened before his dream was crushed by a last minute district decision to put a lottery in place. ISPE kept my son’s mental health intact during our COVID year of hell and the district tried to take it away from him and 100s of other kids.
We need Michael to continue to be a strong voice that takes action to fight for our kids! Thank you Michael, we need you to keep up the fight.”
“Michael Allman has been an advocate for my daughter and all the students in our district. We appreciate his time and diligence in working hard to get our kids back in school in person. We are thankful for his leadership and always looking out for students, teachers and parents. We support and are grateful for Michael!”
“Michael Allman has been a champion for our kids. He has worked tirelessly for our students and is an advocate for their intellectual, social, and emotional well being. I am grateful for his heroic efforts to get students back on campus, and obtain some sense of normalcy.”
“Trustee Michael Allman’s efforts this past year have played a vital role in the fight for SDUHSD’s sensible return to in-class instruction and CIF athletic programs for the district’s student athletes. Without his tireless work, it’s very likely that the interests of the district’s students and their families would have been subordinated (once again). His efforts to help deliver a safe return to normalcy for SDUHSD’s 13,000 + students, have earned a debt of gratitude with every family in the district, not just those in Area 4.”
“Michael Allman has 100% of our support. What he has done for our kids is above and beyond. He fought and got the kids back to school. My twins, one at TPHS and one at CCA, are back to their old selves. Thriving, getting great grades and engaged with other kids and society. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you. We need YOU!”
“I am a parent of a freshman, sophomore and junior at La Costa Canyon High School, the husband of a former Del Mar school teacher, and a board member of City SC Carlsbad. Trustee Michael Allman provided a path back to in-person instruction for my three children and the thousands of Carlsbad and Encinitas athletes I represent. His simple, common sense approach is: 1) students should be taught face-to-face in the classroom and 2) teacher’s needs will be met. Supporting Michael isn’t political - it’s a matter of public health and the well-being of our students. I’m proud to support Michael, so that he will continue to represent those of us who agree with his independent and common sense approach.”
“I am a mother of three students at La Costa Canyon High School. Michael has worked tirelessly to get our children back in the classroom. He puts students and teachers first, and is not beholden to the teacher’s union. I am proud to support Michael! He represents an overwhelming majority of us in this district that value his common sense approach to governing.”
“Michael Allman has my full support! He as fought to get our kids back into their schools (where they need to be). I will forever be thankful to him for putting our kids first!”
“Michael, you have been a ray of light, hope, and reality over the past school year. Thanks to you, the promises I made to my children based upon the “promises” made by our board, came to fruition. With your openness to process and procedure, we have clarity and understanding of what is possible and support to make it happen. We cannot afford to go backwards. Not now. Not ever. Thank you for your dedication and effort to my children.”
“Michael Allman has advocated tirelessly on behalf of students’ fundamental right to education throughout this past year of exhausting politics and special interests pushing their needs ahead of those who don’t have a voice. I will continue to support Michael Allman because I support all students.
“Michael Allman is a strong leader and advocate for not just the SDHUSD school board, but the well being of all students, families, and teachers.
Before Michael came along, I couldn’t stomach reading a summary of a board meeting, but now I look forward to it. Why? Because he cares. He is clear with his communication and he is open, listens to all points of view and has an extremely strong voice of reason. He has clear evidence to back up what he says and works for the well being of students and families having their voices and concerns heard.
I am a parent of two girls in the district, one who has graduated and attends Boise State, and the other a sophomore in high school. I had a concern about how I felt the sports department was handling things with the pandemic, and Michael listened to me. He listened when I said what the public health department told me and what the latest ordinance was even though they hadn’t posted it in the CDC website yet. He reassured me he would share the information at the board meeting. I felt validated that my voice was heard and that my child’s interests were respected.
We need a strong advocate and a leader with a heart like Michael Allman. This is vital for the health of OUR SDUHSD district.”
“As it was becoming clear that the school district was constantly moving the goal posts to re-opening school, as a parent who’s child was not faring well in the distance learning model I felt helpless. My countless efforts to communicate with the school felt like they went nowhere. Those of us who were not getting anywhere on our own were seeking a voice that would help us be heard. That voice came in the form of Michael Allman, who was elected by the people of this district. Were it not for his tireless efforts, huge heart and thick skin….there is no way our children would be back on campus now. Michael is an essential part of the school board because it was only after his election that things began to happen. He has always provided a clear intention and understood the various needs of the community. His ability to advocate for our children, while also balancing the different constituents within the vast community, is beyond commendable. His passion and also frustration at the lack of support from the system for the well being of our children is what has worked to get them back in school. I am grateful for this man’s dedication to our children.”
“Michael Allman is the main reason my son has been able to go back to school 4 days per week this year. Michael has worked tirelessly for our kids to get them back in the classroom and back to a normal routine. Without him our kids would still be at home behind screens day after day. He is a voice of reason on the school board. I am so thankful for Michael Allman and his leadership and fully support him as a school board member!”
“In what would become our school district’s most trying time in recent history, Michael Allman reminded us through his leadership and direction that our schools need to focus on the students. When schools closed, he fought to see them reopen. He continues to drive our momentum to a full reopening for fall. It’s what our kids have needed desperately for more than a year. And he is one of our leaders who delivers.”
“Since Mr. Allman was elected, he has provided community leadership in many ways, first and foremost as an advocate for the students and families in this district. He is the reason why our kids have the choice to be on campus, learning in-person. He has provided much need transparency, and he continues to fight tirelessly for the best interests of our kids. Our family is forever grateful!”
“Michael Allman has fought tirelessly for our children to be on campus and have in-person learning. He is the only reason I haven’t pulled my kids from the district. He fights for what’s best for the kids of SDUHSD. I’ve never seen anyone have the commitment he does in our district to do the right thing. ”
“I know (and so do so many others) that our schools would not be open, our seniors would not have an in-person graduation, or prom, or grad night. I saw you at the “Let Them Play” rally pushing for our students to return to sports. You have done so much for our students. We are behind you and support you.”
“I am so thankful for the tireless and thankless work of Trustee Allman. Prior to his election, our district was flailing and lacking clear direction. As soon as he took office, meetings were being held, actions taken and our schools started to open for all students. He has shown great interest in students and their experiences; even reaching out with me to follow up on my child and her situation. Our public schools need more trustees like Michael Allman!”
“I have been a parent in the SDUSHD district for 10 years. With Michael Allman in office, this is the first year I have felt confident that our children’s voices are heard. Not only heard, but prioritized within the decision-making process of the school board. Michael is willing to listen and discuss all issues effecting our school district with sincerity, kindness and objectivity. My son felt trapped, depressed and powerless during school closures. I believe that Michael is a big reason why my son has a senior year - final football season, prom, in-person graduation, grad-night, etc.. He gets to say all the high school good byes and experience the last part of the school year. I am so grateful to Michael, Mo, Melisse and Ty who are standing in the gap for our kids, who haven’t had advocates in a very long time. Keep pressing forward. You all are forerunners and reformers.”
“We support you, Michael Allman, and are disgusted by this power grab by the teachers’ union president. Your stance to reopen schools for in person learning was the right one, and thousands of us parents were grateful you were there to put our kids’ lives, needs, and education first.
When I heard you speak up with passion at a board meeting, I knew you were one of the only voices of reason on the board. Thank you for all you’ve done!”
“Michael Allman, I want to add to the voices in support for you and the work you have done in behalf of the children and families who are part of our school community. I felt like our kids were spiraling into depression, and while I tried to remain positive, I started to lose hope until I started following your Facebook entries and realized that there was hope again. You helped me and my two boys to push through, knowing that we had a voice in our district. That someone was truly fighting for what was best for everyone- teachers AND children.
I’m forever grateful that you were a voice of reason, a voice of strength and a voice for the children. Thank you for being our voice for our community and children. We need you now more than ever.”
“I met Michael Allman last year when I was expressing my deep concern with the kids’ SDUHSD distance learning program.
My 7th grader was depressed, sad, lonely, frustrated, overwhelmed, scared, confused... the list goes on and on. My 17 year old Sophomore football player was laying around all day; confused, unmotivated, distracted, overwhelmed. My Senior struggled the same.
Michael was the only person that I met that actually cared about my children. Multiple emails and calls to the school; nothing was resolved. Michael reached out to all of us personally and helped us come together to get a safe reopening plan in effect for SDUHSD.
I am convinced that if he Michael was not involved, our kids would still be distance - learning.
Michael is honest, smart, vigilant, educated, caring, experienced, and an awesome SDUSHD Board member. We desperately need him on this Board to fight for our kids.”
“Our family was one step away from moving out of state because of the school closure when Michael Allman stepped up and fought for our kids. My son is a freshman at LCC and was depressed and struggling with distance learning. When Michael was elected to the board, we began to have hope that the kids would return. Because of Michael’s common sense and passion to do the right thing for our kids and our community, our son is now thriving at school. I truly believe if Michael has not been elected, our kids would still not be in class with their teachers and classmates. I am truly grateful for Michael’s time and commitment to our community and our family.”
“Michael Allman is a respected, dedicated, and tireless advocate for students and parents in our district. We are parents to three children in the San Dieguito district and are active members of this community. The supporters of Michael Allman have been painted as anti-union right wing activists, and we are not that at all. I have consistently supported our schools through donations and volunteer and leadership roles. Michael Allman is what the SDUHSD needs on their board...a leader who listens and puts our children first! Children being in school full time is a matter of public health and the well-being of our students.”
“‘Students and families first’. That is what Michael Allman ran his platform on, and that is what he has committed to. Somehow, that statement is interpreted by others to mean he is anti-teacher. It does not. Go back and listen to Board meetings, in their entirety, and you will hear exactly how he puts students first while evaluating and implementing the best ways to support teachers.
I am impressed that he never gives up putting our students first and hearing what the community is saying. We have lived in this district for over 21 years, and it is refreshing to finally have someone who is listening and being proactive. Thank you Michael Allman, for being the impetus to getting our students back in the classroom and not being shut away after the science proved they should have been back long, long, ago, and most of all, thank you for being a tireless advocate for the community that stands next to you in making things better than they were before.”
“As a parent of two kids in the district, I have been so proud to have Michael Allman on our school board. He puts students first, asking questions and making efforts to get to know parents and students personally. He has worked across all political ideologies and differences - not an easy feat this year - to unify the parents in our district around what is best for our KIDS. I am convinced that our kids would not be back to school without Michael’s involvement. I could not be more grateful for that - I know that in my case, my kids would be completely lost if they were not back on campus. It has meant everything to myself and my family to know that he is fighting for us. And, it shouldn’t have to be a fight; he has shown that he is willing to work with anyone who is willing, to do what’s right for the students in our district.”
“Mike Allman isn’t afraid to take a stand. Thank goodness for his leadership and commitment to doing the right thing by students and families. There’s no question he is fulfilling his obligations as an independent Trustee.”
“Michael Allman has been a steady, unwavering voice for our kids during an otherwise chaotic year. As a parent of two children in the district, I have been concerned about learning loss caused by virtual classes and reduced class time as well as decreasing motivation and interest in school. A successful businessman and parent of former district students, Mike knows well the challenges that students and families face. He has accomplished a great deal in the few short months he has served on our school board, handling complicated negotiations and budget issues and bringing much-needed transparency and goodwill to our community. He also navigated a successful reopening of our schools, giving our kids hope again. Parents, students, and teachers alike value his dedication, integrity, and determination. We are so grateful to have Mike on our board!”
“I cannot imagine what school would look like for our children right now without the tireless and selfless advocacy of Michael Allman. His complete transparency and follow through on his word since his election to the board has been one of the only constants that has given my family hope throughout this crisis. We are so grateful to have him at the helm as he continues to navigate through the unpredictable and ever changing tide of these times.”
“Myself and thousands of other parents had hope for their child’s future because of Michael Allman. He was there to keep us updated and tirelessly fought for our children. We all needed this brave and smart board member to keep the meetings truthful, meaningful and to get our suffering children back in the classroom. No one will ever know how many children’s lives he saved during this horrific and tragic time because of his persistent efforts. I can not thank him enough for his relentless will power, attention to details and for caring deeply for each and every child. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Michael!”
“We recently moved from an area that has nationally recognized public schools, and specifically purchased a home in the SDUHSD district as we understood it to be the “best” in San Diego. I have spent the past year in shock and disbelief as the overt biases and decisions made by this district to ignore the voices and interests of the most important group, our kids. Michael Allman is the ray of hope for this district. He has been a fearless and effective advocate for our children. His actions and vision for our district and, most importantly, for our kids are completely in line with what legitimate “best” school districts are all about. Michael Allman is an asset and I am so grateful to have his expertise, passion and tireless advocacy working on behalf of our children.”
“My children are students in the San Dieguito School District. This has been an extremely difficult year and a half. We haven’t always been happy with the school district’s decisions and management. Fortunately, Michael Allman was elected to the board and brought with him a voice of reason. He has been steadfast in his goal of reopening schools with students’ education paramount. Any talk of recalling him is simply a political ploy by the teachers union. We will fight this if it were to occur. Michael Allman has stood, and will continue to stand, for our children. We support him!”
“Thank you so much for your work on the school board! We want you to stay on the board and keep advocating for our kids!”
“Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for helping get kids back in school. We support you and appreciate all your hard work. My kids are happier and finding joy again, thank you!!”
“In this difficult year, I just wanted to reach out and offer you a much deserved thank you! Thank you for being a fearless advocate for our kids. Thank you for standing up for what’s right, despite the rhetoric. On behalf of the HUNDREDS of families who have been hungry for a return to in person education, I want to tell you how grateful we are to you. And, on behalf of the now silenced minority, those who have taken their own lives during this pandemic, I want to thank you for recognizing the mental and emotional harm that this isolation has inflicted upon our most vulnerable.”
“Our family was seriously considering transferring to a local private high school next year. Thanks to Michael Allman and his efforts to ensure that our campuses are fully open in the Fall, we feel confident and excited about our choice to remain at SDUHSD. Thank you Michaeal Allman - our future looks bright!”
“As a member of the community, I can attest that Trustee Michael Allman is attentive to the inquiries and needs of SDUHSD families and stakeholders. He is responsive, considerate, and democratic in his decision-making. He seeks to engage in conversations and listen to understand. In doing so, Mr. Allman makes every effort to stay knowledgeable of the issues facing SDUHSD. He has demonstrated that he serves all children in the district and puts their needs before any other special interests. This has been apparent in his push to reopen schools throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and his pragmatic approach to action items that come before the SDUHSD Board of Trustees. Area 4 rightfully elected him to represent their interests and values and he should be allowed to continue, without hesitation or recall.”
“My family and I are grateful for the tireless efforts Michael Allman has put in to advocacy for the students during this challenging time. He has been responsive to the values, beliefs and priorities of the families in the SDUHSD community. Mr. Allman collaborates with the community to ensure diverse opinions are represented for the well being of the students and their families. He is transparent and backs his actions with facts, data, and is accountable to the public. ”
“I’ll be honest...I didn’t pay much attention to the board until Covid hit. I always felt things ran smoothly, but with Covid it became apparent to me that there were some serious gaps and flaws in our system. We rallied and protested against a board that did not have our kid’s best interests in mind. When it came time to vote in new members...we went to the polls ready and educated as to who would be the best candidate for the position...hands down that was and STILL IS Michael Allman! Since he came into office he has put kids and their right to education first! He was instrumental in getting them back into the classroom after months of heartache and disappointment. Michael’s dedication and tireless efforts to provide for our kids and our district have not gone unnoticed and he is by far the best thing that has happened in the district in a long time! I will continue to stand behind and support Michael Allman!! Thank you...for ALL you have done!I”
“I have never been interested in school board members or issues until last year. As Covid unfolded, it was so clear that the teachers unions are only driven by politics and money. As a parent of 2 high school boys, I have never felt so much anger and frustration when time after time, the school board told our students they would not be going back to campus. We considered selling our house and moving to a state where our kids could actually GO to school. I followed every board meeting and my only source of hope was from the newly elected Michael Allman. I know that he is the reason my boys are back to school today. I am baffled about the amount of pushback he suffers when it is clear he is the only one motivated by what is best for our students! Please don’t back down Mike! We appreciate you!”
“Thank you for your leadership and dedication this year. Amidst the chaos and a constantly changing landscape, you were a voice of reason and advocacy for the children. Times of crisis reveal true leadership and you’ve exhibited that.”
“We are so thankful for all you have done this year to get kids back in school. It was starting to feel so hopeless, and your leadership, accountability, and transparency made the difference. You are a voice for the students, and they need you! You have my family’s complete support.”
“We are grateful for your time and vision for the students of SDUSD. We have a freshman son at LCC. We believe that you are their strongest advocate on the board and have proceeded in a safe manner. My husband and I are both pharmacists and we believe that you are definitely making recommendations for reopening that are backed by scientific data. We are saddened that the teacher’s union is advocating compromising student academic enrichment and student emotional health. They should be our students advocate. Thank you for standing up to the unions. You will always have our support.”
“Mr. Allman has consistently been a voice of logic despite being surrounded by ignorance, and disregard for clinical science by countless “armchair experts.” Our child has at least had the opportunity to avoid ineffective remote learning during the quarantine. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Michael Allman, our child was able to return to school and finish off his freshman year in person! There is no better representative than Mr. Allman. He is always fighting for the best interest of the students.”
“Boards exist to provide oversight, accountability and direction to various entities. Members of boards are elected by either voters, in this case, or shareholders, in the case of a corporation, to serve a specific term until another election is held. Recalling or ousting a board member should only be reserved for ineptitude, gross negligence or willful harm that individual is causing the institution they are serving. Michael Allman has done nothing remotely close to a recallable offense. He has given not only students who value connecting with their teachers in person to learn and grow from them but also exceptional teachers the opportunity to do the same that their peers have enjoyed in other parts of this country and state, while also reserving options for those who require remote access. Recalling him is non sensical from every prospective of why a board even exists.”
“Michael Allman has tirelessly fought for our kids to get them back to school and to get the education they all deserve.Without your dedication to our students, I am pretty sure they would still not be back in the classroom today.Thank you Michael for your continued support and hard work.”
“I feel like Michael was instrumental in getting our kids back on campus this year. Before the election, I was a bit hopeless about my child getting to see any days on her 7th grade campus. Virtual schooling was not motivating my child and the isolation was devastating. Once he was elected, I feel like the narrative changed and we were finally moving towards our kids getting some sort of normalcy and a stronger education this year. Life also changed for my child in an extremely positive way. I feel like he is out there to support the kids — and isn’t that what schooling is all about? I feel like he looks for the possibilities instead of the roadblocks. Having a school board member like Michael in the mix is exactly what we need.”
“A simple smile says it all. If not for Michael Allman my daughter would still be experiencing what’s left of her senior year from her bedroom. He’s a trustee that says what he means and means what he says. Due to the direct actions of Mr. Allman, my daughter can now participate in senior night, prom, her cheer banquet and most importantly, in person graduation. These activities are monumental steps towards our children’s well-being after a horrendous year. He’s 100% for putting children and parents first He’s done everything he said he was going to do since being elected and at lightening speed. I have a lot of respect and admiration for someone that doesn’t pull any punches and could care less if he’s not the most popular person in the room. A true leader. My only regret is that my daughter didn’t get to experience his leadership throughout her entire high school years. Our district is in great hands for it’s future. The school year started with hopelessness and dread. It’s ending with happinesses and a simple smile.”
“Michael Allman put hope back in our children’s hearts! He stood up and truely cared. He has fought hard for our children when everyone else failed, my kids are now back with their friends, enjoying sports and showing happiness in their eyes. Do not dare recall this angelic person!”
“I am a parent of three students in SDUHSD, two at CAA and one at CVMS. I am a full supporter of Michael Allman. Michael is doing EXACTLY what he promised to do while he was running for election. I believe he is dedicated to doing what is best for the students and families of this district. It has become clear that the district has been making decisions based on politics, money, and unions…not based on the interests of the students. If it were not for Michael, my kids may have not seen the inside of their schools this year, spent time with their friends and met their teachers. I am grateful for his efforts and our district is lucky to have him on the board.”
“As one of the few board members of SDUHSD that has really advocated for our children during covid and beyond I want to say thank you. You have my 100% support to continue on the board representing our children and parents. Any move by the teachers union to recall you is not representing the will of the constituents in the area and a shameless ploy to grab power.
Please stay strong and keep fighting for our kids!”
“Unfortunately, and I’m a little embarrassed to admit this, it took a global pandemic and complete closure of public schools to get me to pay attention to our school board meetings. By late August 2020 I was frustrated as I observed one dysfunctional board meeting after another. This led me to social media seeking a community of like-minded parents and teachers who were ready and willing to roll up their sleeves and do some serious problem solving. Every email sent to a board member was returned with a canned answer of platitudes and well-wishes. Then I met Michael Allman. He was determined, smart, energetic, dedicated and unafraid. I backed him during his campaign for board trustee and I back him now. No one in our district has done more to get our kids back on campus, full-time, in-person. He genuinely cares for students, parents and teachers in our district. I am surprised at the negativity launched at him from a few people who have never met him. I’ve met him and worked side by side to brainstorm and problem solve real and significant issues in our district. I believe that if it weren’t for his efforts my daughter would not be finishing her high school career at our beloved high school, SDA. Thank you, Michael Allman, for bringing civility and common sense to every board meeting, for providing timely and clear meeting summaries and most importantly for truly understanding that for so many of our children, time was of the essence and hard decisions had to be made.”
“I am writing this in response to a letter published in the Del Mar Times. l was absolutely appalled that such obvious lackeys for the teacher’s union would inject their own partisan politics into our educational system and initiate a recall. Shame on them!
Michael Allman has done exactly what he campaigned on and has worked tirelessly to get our schools back open. Only a fool would think that distance learning for our children was nothing more than an abject failure and a complete abrogation of the school’s primary responsibilities.
As a 40+ year biomedical researcher at UCSD I cannot tell you how crazy it has been to keep our schools closed in the face of “the science”, even after all the teachers have been vaccinated.
I should note that we are personal friends of Michael Allman’s opponent during the election and my wife worked tirelessly on her behalf. Needless to say, elections are a part of our democracy and the will of the voters should be respected. I will use whatever resources I have to help fight this effort and at the same time saddened that such blatant partisanship seems to be a continual presence in the SDUHSD, instead of focusing on the well being and education of of our children.”
“Michael Allman has gone above and beyond all expectations for a board member. He is the hardest working and most conscientious advocate for these kids. We are so grateful to have someone so competent, decisive, and just to fight for what is right. Families would lose all hope for this district if he was to be removed from the board. We have 2 children in this district and one more soon to come and I hope and pray he stays put for a long while. I feel confident if he’s there, we can all relax a little bit knowing he will make the best decisions to benefit this district.”
“Our community has no words to express how grateful we are for your commitment and hard work to reopen our schools. I’m a local dentist and see many parents everyday on my chair complaining, crying and expressing many times with dental pain how hard has been this lock down for them. For many months I’ve been hearing how their kids are depressed, anxious, and even suicidal. This really touches my heart since I have a junior that at the same time was struggling with online learning, and went from straight A’s to a C’s. Keep fighting for our kids please, we need you more than ever. ”
“Parents and students in the SDUHSD are lucky to have Trustee Michael Allman on the board. He has consistently reached out to, listened to and advocated for the students and their families throughout the debacle of the past 15 months. He is thoughtful, logical and responsive and always prioritizes the interests of those he serves, paying attention to and heeding the diverse needs of the community. Michael Allman is a tireless and dedicated fighter, and it’s unconscionable that anyone, or any group, who truly cares about our students’ education and welfare, would seek the recall of a representative of such integrity.”
“Michael Allman has brought a much needed and balanced student/teacher perspective to this district that was long overdue after many years of union-controlled boards. I am a teacher’s son, a north county native and a SDUHSD graduate with children in the district. I have first-hand knowledge of how fortunate we are to have top schools with talented and dedicated teachers and administrators.
Michael Allman is an altruistic board trustee that always looks for ways to make the student learning experience better, rather than rubber-stamping union demands. That is why Duncan Brown and a small but vocal subset of the SDFA union is so terrified of his board membership. Many teachers disagree with Duncan Brown’s self-centered, ruthless anti-student tactics but are reluctant to jeopardize their careers.
Michael Allman is good for the district’s students and teachers! ”
“My grandson, a Junior in high school, spent much of his school year at his desk behind the front door of his home and his freshman brother, who was placed in a shed in their backyard, were both being diligent with their work. As time went on the younger was placed in a private school, which the freshman loves and thrives in. As states started opening their schools & CA schools lagged behind, it became increasingly evident that the union was the sticking point in keeping our students at home...to their detriment. I strongly agree with Mr. Allman in what he proposes is best for our students & schools. A very concerned Grandma.”
“I have donated thousands of hours and thousands of dollars to the schools in my district. I’ve donating everything from Kleenex to Graduation Leis, I’ve spent the night in gyms, on fields, and boats all in support of the students and their educational experience. I have enjoyed working with teachers, administrators, and the district to ensure that our schools were funded, teachers were appreciated, and families were represented. BUT, over the last couple years it became noticeably apparent that the boards were making decisions based on politics and the board was controlled by candidates that had received significant donations from the union. Under the “special interests” management, our district went from having all 4 high schools ranked in the top 200 Nationally to not having 1 ranked in the top of 100 of California. I truly support Michael’s student-first approach and wholeheartedly believe that our schools would still be closed today if he had not been elected. While he is not in my district he has my full support.”
“In a time of severe need, Mike Allman has been exactly what I would hope a public servant would be and what my family truly needed. He has been there for us, fearless and tireless in his efforts to understand what the children of this district are going through, and what they need to heal and move on from a traumatic year. I suspect we would have come from opposite sides of the aisle originally, but I couldn’t care less because I now know Mike as a human being who is caring, incredibly hard-working, and fighting for the priorities our district desperately needs to best serve our students and schools. Thank you for all you continue to do for us Michael Allman!”
“Michael is an independent thinker who is looking out for the best interest of our students and the taxpayers. We desperately need his leadership on this school board.”
“Mike Allman has been an advocate for getting high school kids back in schools since the data had become clear that the risk was manageable. He has been indefatigable when it comes to making sure he thoroughly understands the issues and process in the school district, and he’s been very good about communicating what he learns. He is not a rabble-rouser. From what I’ve seen, his approach has always been fair-minded and balanced even when strongly advocating his positions. I’m very impressed with him and am grateful to have him on the board.”
“Michael Allman was a breath of fresh air in the midst of all the chaos these past few months. I felt like the concerns of my newly diagnosed diabetic son were being HEARD. He considers different family situations and needs. He treats people as individuals. Mike can rely on our support completely. We appreciate all he has done for us.”
“Though I have never met you, I support your efforts completely! The fact that you stand for in-person learning and common sense amidst the nonsense that has taken place this school year makes me very grateful that you are on the board. As a public school teacher myself, I have spent the year frustrated as no choices were given for students (and teachers) to return to the classroom for the majority of the year. Thank you for personally responding to my emails, taking the time to explain the situation and empathizing with my concerns. I am deeply grateful that my child has been able to return to the classroom. We need more people like you to stand up to the union and to stand for common sense and what is best for our students.”
“Michael Allman has been such a blessing for our kids during this awful year. Our kids suffered mentally, physically, socially and academically but Michael fought for our kids! Not the unions. I watched my son come back to himself once he was back in school! Thank you Michael for being our voice and fighting for our kids!! ”
“We have been fighting to get our youngest son back into school all fall and winter. Unfortunately it turns out , he stayed away too long and now refuses to go back until fall. We have agreed due to (numerous issues and because there are) only a couple weeks left, we have decided to let it go. Had the schools opened in January or earlier, we may have been able to avoid these issues. Due to the overwhelming power of the teachers union those efforts, even for Micheal were just too strong. We are saddened by what has happened to our children. We needed them back much quicker. the damage has been done. Please let Mr. Allman do his job. Get these schools open and not optional, REQUIRED, as soon as possible. Remote learning is a joke. It’s so sad. The union has no regard for these kids and are only thinking about themselves.”
“Michael Allman has been the consistent voice of the common sense and science-based strategies that would allow our children and teachers to return to class on a full time basis….safely.
I support Mr. Allman for advocating on behalf of us parents and our children…..we and they want to be back in school, without masks, full-time. Good for you, Mr. Allman.”
“My sincere appreciation goes out to Michael Allman for all that he has done for our district and getting our kids back in school. His drive and leadership has put our district back on the correct track of students first! He has my unwavering support and gratitude.”
“I am beyond grateful for Michael Allman and all that he has done to fight for parents and children. This was our families first experience with the public school system. My daughter chose to go to our local highSchool as a freshmen. As she sat in her room for almost year we saw her change. We had to hire a teacher to help support her as she watched her younger sister go to 6th grade full time literally less than a mile from my daughters High School. I learned so much this year about how politics played a role. I was extremely disappointed and the only way parents could be heard was through Michael. He fought with his heart and soul to give our children a choice to get back on campus. He saved my child and so many children. He didn’t give up even when it got ugly as he knew our children were struggling. I will be forever grateful to him for doing what he was voted in to do. He saved our families and so many families that don’t have a voice.”
“I too currently serve as a Board of Governors for an international school overseas where I serve as a public servant for the U.S. government—and all of you in San Diego! My family has been safehavening since the beginning of the pandemic in my home town of SDUSD—where I attended school throughout the 1970-90s—while I serve our country overseas. I appreciate the importance of our Board work to keep our schools safe and productive. I weigh these trade offs regularly here where I work in Africa where the pandemic is far from over. What I admire about Michael most—as I compare my own board service with a school of over 1,000 international students—is his dedication and passion for transparency. Dissenting voices are healthy to long term board governance. The Board I currently sit on benefits from members with a diversity of opinions, We are not board members to simply approve decisions without consideration for the long term governance of our educational system. We are here to ask generative questions. We must always push the envelope during trying times to up our game and do better for our children. This is what Michael does. Keep it up!”
“We have some fabulous teachers and programs that have helped create the esteemed reputation that SDUHSD has enjoyed for many years. However, in a year when kids suffered incrementally, it became painfully clear how union-centric the former SDUHSD board was. I am so grateful to the voters in area 4, who democratically elected Michael Allman as their representative. He is a tireless advocate for the students, teachers and parents in our district. Michael’s transparency, open communication, and independent thinking are an asset to the entire San Dieguito community.”
“Michael, has a can do spirit and attitude and is 100% for what is best for our students and our families. He is calm and very knowledgeable and he keeps his attitude always in check. Despite the attacks, Michael is positive, he is mindful, authentic and genuine. And even though our Country and our Schools are under attack from the radical left ideology and agenda, Michael is steadfast on maintaining what is best for the students. He is a tremendous asset for our Board, our district and most importantly our future which is in the hands of our children. God Bless you Michael and continue you to provide you strength against the evils that exist. You have an Army behind you. We will not cower to the darkness!”
“My grandaughter is soon to be a senior at SDA and this year of lockdown has been terrible for her. Some of her teachers worked very hard to make the distance learning work but it was a sad substitute for what an education should be. Because of this I wholeheartedly believe in the hard work to reopen our campuses that Michael Allman has worked so hard for. Our community owes him a great deal. ”
“I met Michael recently. He spent thirty minutes on the phone with me and clearly answered all my questions concerning SDUHSD. I want my granddaughter to finally have a normal high school experience this fall. Michael Allman will fight for my granddaughter and all the children in the school district. Please support him in his quest to bring stability to SDUHSD. There have been four generations of school teachers in my family. I believe I can speak for all of them. They would be disappointed in the way schools operate today. Let’s make sure that Michael can continue to work for us.”
“Michael has fought for our children and their education from the get go! I am so thankful for his presence.”
“Michael, thank you for being a such brave fighter for our kids and their education. Our family appreciates so much your endless effort and leadership for opening school for in person classes.”
“Elections have consequences…if Michael Allman was not on the BOT, our kids would not be in school, period. Michael has the professional experience and intellectual chops to navigate the complex issues facing our District and we are lucky to have him. The Park family supports him 100%.”
“Please keep Michael Allman on our school board!
I support him fully and know he is there for the children’s best interest - NOT the union!
Don’t ALLOW the union bully us.
Thank you.”
“As a parent and member of the community, I’d like to voice my support for Michael Allman. Our schools need to look out for the best interests of the students - not primarily the teachers. When a board member stands up for the voices of the families in the district, this is a positive thing, not a threat. If it’s perceived as a threat, the problem is with the board, not the representative of the people. ”
“Michael has been a voice of comfort. calm and clarity during the pandemic. So grateful to have had his counsel on the FB group helping parents navigate this unsettling and difficult time.”
“Michael has been an incredible asset for the kids and parents as everyone tried to navigate through this past year. He was very informative and insightful and most importantly always put the kids #1. The Board is better and stronger with Allman on it!”
“Michael Allman has been a strong supporter of SDUHSD students and families! ”
“As an Encinitas resident, lifelong educator, and the grandparent of two children in the SDUHSD district, I have closely followed the impact that school closures have had on our youth. Michael Allman advocates for what is best for children, their education, and their mental and emotional health. Losing Mr. Allman on the board would be a great loss for local families and the district.”
“When I think of Michael, I think of hope. Throughout the pandemic I felt as if our children had been left in deserted island. With no one to advocate for them or look out for their best interest. Then came Michael, with a clear mission to put the best interest of our children first. He has worked tirelessly and gone above and beyond to get our children back to school. Because of Michael, my 7th grader likes school again and is thriving. Michael you have my outmost respect and 100% of my support. You are a true gem. Thank you!!!”
“I wholeheartedly support you and want you to continue your board position. It’s been a long time coming for us to have someone who isn’t in the Teachers Union pocket and is 100% for supporting students’ interests.”
“Michael was the only glimmer of hope I had last year of getting my kids back on campus. He fought tirelessly and kept us all updated with the facts and details of what was happening in our district. I’ve never been involved in any school board events but I’m definitely here to support Michael for all he has done for us. It’s a real shame the Teachers Union and its president are going after the biggest advocate for our children. I’ll do whatever I can to help him keep his seat in the special election.
“I want to thank Michael Allman for his unwavering support and dedication to the students, parents and teachers of SDUHSD. We are grateful for his dedication to get student’s back on campus in a safe manner. I believe that without Michael, my daughter would not have had any kind of senior year on campus. Michael Allman has been a tremendous asset to the SDUHSD board. I am proud to support Michael Allman just as he supports our children! ”
“All of my fellow parents in the San Dieguito Union High School District need to be aware that the San Dieguito Faculty Association has a political agenda that leaves no room for the best interest of their students. We need strong leaders like Michael Allman who advocate for the quality education our district is known for, delivered in person.”
“Until Michael Allman was elected to the SDUHSD board, progress on in-person learning was almost non-existent (even after schools were proven not to be significant drivers of community spread). Michael pushed for and achieved in-person learning for SDUHSD students in 2021. This made a huge difference in the mental health and academic achievement of my teens.”
“I don’t live in Michael’s district but wish I did.
I’m so impressed with his commitment to our children and having the backbone and gumption to take on the Teachers Unions. He is an advocate for our children and I hope more people like him will stand up for our children.
Thank you for all you do Michael!”
“Thank you, Michael Allman for all your dedication. Michael advocated for our kids, teachers and us parents when we thought there was no HOPE. I am so grateful for your dedication and keeping your promises. We are behind you and support you Michael Allman!!!”
“I am so thankful for Michael Allman and his tireless efforts to advocate on behalf of ALL students. I have been humbled by the countless hours he has spent thoroughly researching and acquiring the knowledge he needs to provide active board leadership. We need board members that put students’ needs first and solicit input from families. It is because of his advocacy that my boys were able to return to high school in the spring. Words are inadequate to express what it meant to our family to see our senior graduate in person. THANK YOU MICHAEL!”
“I have an incoming Senior and 7th grader at SDUHSD. I have always been heavily vested in our schools through PTA work and volunteering. We moved to this district because the school district was so well rated. As a real estate agent I know that our house values are dictated by the rating of our schools. I am so afraid that due to the politics that is ongoing in our district that our home values will be hurt and more importantly our children are being effected. It seems like I hear of another kid transferring to a private school daily.
During covid there was so much back and forth in our district, no certainty, definitely no one with our children’s best interest in mind until one day I logged onto a FB page and “met” Michael Allman. Finally someone that cares about our kids and someone to make a difference. I do hope that Michael is able to continue his fight to return our school district and bring it back to its former glory and our kids will no longer be used as pawns in some political game.
“We need board members who advocate for our students and families - one of those members is Michael Allman. This past year exposed those who do not put students first. It also showed us what Michael Allman was able to accomplish by putting students first. Our children ended the school year in a far better place because of his tireless work. Michael is the right person to help steer our district to high academic excellence and strong financial health. He listens to everyone, and immerses himself in our classrooms, meetings, ceremonies and events in order to make informed decisions that reflect the needs of the district he was elected to serve. He has the leadership acumen to carry us forward. If given time, he will help bring students, families, teachers and administrators together. He has just scratched the surface on helping our district remain the distinguished one that we want to be.”
“Eleven years ago, we moved our family from Los Angeles so that our children could attend SDUHSD schools. As a former SDUHSD student myself, I have firsthand knowledge of this District’s excellence. So, I was disappointed when the COVID-19 pandemic exposed a Board that lacked leadership and was paralyzed with indecision.
That changed with Michael Allman. Since his election to the Board, Allman has not wavered from his campaign promise to put students and families first. For example, during the pandemic he recognized that distance learning did not work for everyone and advocated tirelessly to provide an in-person learning option. His independence, ability to ask tough questions and ensure accountability, and his resolute commitment to students, is why SDUHSD needs Michael Allman.”
“As long-standing members of this community who have resided in the San Dieguito Union High School District for over 40 years, we are sadly disappointed in the actions of the union and its harassment of Michael Allman, a DULY ELECTED Board Member.
Michael is a rare voice of logic and reason that is sorely needed in this district. He advocates for the rights of parents and students and has tirelessly fought to bring normalcy back to our schools. In short, Michael is everything the union is not, and that is why he is being targeted.
The union wants to eradicate ANY opinion that differs from their corrupt agenda and we are tired of our son and all students + parents being used in their political games. There is NOT one opinion in this community, and there should NEVER be only one opinion represented on a school board, and NO UNION has the right to control membership.
WE NEED MICHAEL. Let him continue doing the great job he was elected to do.”
“I will forever be grateful to Michael Allman for giving my daughter her senior year of high school. He worked tirelessly to allow students back on campus for any amount of time possible. Thanks to the efforts of Michael Allman (as a member of the SDUHSD school board), the Parent Association, and Let Them Play CA, my daughter was able to attend classes for her final 3 months of school, participate in varsity sports, and attend prom and graduation. Without their efforts, none of this would have been possible.
Michael is also the first board member I have known in my 12 years in this community to welcome and respond so thoughtfully and actively to personal communication and concerns. His communication helped many families navigate successfully through a very bleak time.
Michael, you were elected at precisely the right time to make a difference for the families of our district. We are so thankful for your dedication to representing students and families on our school board.”
“Michael, thank you for being such a brave fighter for our kids and their education. Our family appreciates so much your endless effort and leadership for opening school for in-person classes. ”